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Tea Yokan (Confectionery)

Tea Yokan (Confectionery)

NOTE: WE DO NOT SHIP THIS PRODUCT OUTSIDE JAPAN TO AVOID EXPIRATION DATE PROBLEMS. If you are in Asia and want to order this product, please contact us.


English Description follows below


新たなコラボレーションの始まりで、新商品の登場: Tea Yōkan


MANDARACHAは、和菓子の原点であり1000年もの歴史を持つ「清浄歓喜団」で知られる1617年創業の京御菓子司 亀屋清永から誕生した「KIYONAGA 」とのパートナーシップを発表いたします。KIYONAGA ブランドは、前川清貴・聖子夫妻によって創設されました。







Tea Yōkanには、両社共通の価値観である「精進」と、茶道の精神である「和敬清寂」の精神が込められています。





MANDARACHA is happy to announce a partnership with KIYONAGA, born from the iconic Japanese confectionery company established in 1617 known for the “Seijo Kankidan”, said to be the origin of Japanese sweets. The brand KIYONAGA was founded by the couple Kiyotaka and Masako MAEGAWA.


This product is the result of the ancestral skills of the confectionary artisan, using three Japanese teas carefully selected by the owner of MANDARACHA.

MATCHA (gold)

WAKŌCHA - Japanese Black tea (nature)

HŌJICHA - roasted tea (silver)


The Tea Yōkan carries the values of “Shōjin”, shared by our two companies, as well as the spirit of "WA-KEI-SEI-JAKU" (Harmony, Respect, Purity and Tranquility) from the Way of Tea.


the best before date is set for this product for 21 days when kept at room temperature below 28˚C. We recommend to keep refrigerated and consume it within one month.
